He Is Faithful That Promised

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) Hebrew 10:23

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I loved the pearls of motherly wisdom ya'll left in the comments. I have caught myself saying and doing things my parents did with me that I told myself I wasn't going to with my own children. But I do, oh so many times.

There is a new addition to my family. K gave me a puppy for mother's day. The sweetest little six week old fox terrier. A female, of course. Not by choice, all that was left of the litter of puppies was females of course. But I needed another girl in the house.

I didn't want to get another bird. Nothing could come close to my Babygirl. I still choke up when I think about her. She was very calming compared to what I have to learn to share space with now.

My home has not been child proof for a good number of years. It is definitely not puppy proof. And for the record, bird droppings were a lot easier to clean up. I have never been any good at house breaking a puppy. That is why we always eventually ending up kicking our dogs out of the house. Well, we actually found them another home with a fenced yard. I don't have a fenced yard. I told K we aren't ready to have a dog, or rather I said we don't "need" a puppy, we can't "afford" a puppy. We can't afford ourselves, let alone a defenseless animal. All he can say is well we have a puppy now.

He was also missing Baby, and he knew I was, am, still heartsick. He wanted to get another bird, but I told him no, I couldn't handle that right now, maybe later. So he surprised me. Was I ever surprised!

I haven't named her yet. I call her a lot of different things. Some not very nice things every now and then. hahaha


At 5:18 AM, Blogger Granny Bird said...

Enjoy your new furry baby!

At 3:34 PM, Blogger Quilty bird said...

Oh, post a picture, pleeeeeeeeeeease!!!!!!

At 5:14 PM, Blogger Granny's Daughter said...

Mrs. P, Quilty Bird needs you to vote on a favorite quilt design.


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