We heard good news from the oncologist. The bone cancer has not spread, it is being contained in the same original spots. That lifted K's spirit a great deal. His potassium level has come down and the doctor took him off the kayexalate. I am glad because I was afraid to give him any more of it. The doctor talked to K again about his smoking. He asked K if he realized that nicotine destroyed bone cells. He told him that he was damaging good lung cells and bone cells by smoking; he was helping the cancer destroy himself.
I took off work yesterday to go to the oncologist with K. When we made it back to the house, I decided to go to the beauty shop. I had been putting it off, telling myself that my hair didn't look that bad. But with the temperature getting in the nineties, the back of my neck was sweating and that kept the hair touching my neck wet. It was in the awkward stage of too short to put up or put a clip on it, needless to say, it was beginning to drive me crazy. I went around with one hand constantly lifting it off my neck and I need both hands to work with. hahaha
While the beautician was trimming, I was asking about hair color. My root line has been appearing in like a skunk stripe through the top of my head. I can't stand it so I am coloring my hair every four weeks. Since I do it myself, I am ending up with a variety of shades even though I use the same color. I am ready to be my natural self but according to the beautician I have to go through the dreaded growing out process of having a white section and a dark section until the hair is long enough to cut the dark color off; talk about looking like a skunk! She suggested I use a dark blonde color and keep going to lighter shades until the brown shade grows out. Well, I came home and put the blonde in and now you can nickname me "carrot top." It is not quite strawberry blonde, I'd say orange blonde maybe. It is a very odd shade to say the least. Talk about a sight staring back at me from the mirror! K said "boy, you really did it red this time."
Last summer when the beautician suggested blonde, I had less white/gray hair and it only left nice highlights. This time I guess the whole front of my head is white/gray and I am walking around with neon hair. It is not a pretty shade at all. Oh, well, I am not the only woman that has made a mistake with store bought hair color.
It will grow out; don't fret about it!
Oh, dear! She should have given you more precise information about the color to use. Some hairdressers will do that, knowing a client can't afford to have it done professionally.
I only tried it at home once, with help from a friend. She knew (because her daughter went to school for hairdressing) that you need to buy certain kinds of brown for certain hair colors. For example, I needed some "ash" in the brown. If I had just chosen the one that looked like my hair, it would not have come out right.
Even though my hair came out looking good, I decided I don't have the talent or patience to do it myself. And it's hard when you can't wear glasses, but can't see without them!
Mrs. P, would K consider switching to a nicotine patch? He'd still be getting nicotine, which isn't great for him, but his lungs would get a break from the smoke.
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