Mom called and said she wanted to read me something printed in the "call and comment" section of the newspaper. She laughed and said I don't think you sent it in but some of it you have said yourself. After hearing it I want to share it.
This is to the parents of the very undisciplined, spoiled and disrespectful kids at our daycares. How dare you raise such bad children for the rest of us to try to spend hours trying to control your failures! I have worked at two daycares in the area and to save my sanity, I gave it up. Are you not watching their terrible behavior? They are hitting teachers, spitting, cussing and a lot more. You are turning our future generations into something very scary! More hands-on discipline is needed. It worked for me and my kids. You know who you are and you people should be ashamed of yourselves for how your children turned out.
It does make me sad to see how some of the children are allowed to behave. As the person said these kids are going to be undisciplined disrespectful adults. But it is not all of them. We get some very respectful children, even toddlers, that are a joy to be around.
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.
Hebrews 13:8
The sad part is that most of the parents guilty of this will not recognize themselves!
Yes, it is a mighty sad generation. Probably started by baby boomer generation and continues to get worse every year.
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