I just realized it has been a while since I blogged. I have been trying to help mom and dad and still get some stress relief and relaxation. It isn't easy.
Mom's kidney doctor put her on a vitamin d prescription. Her doctors just keep giving her more pills to take. And every one has the warning "do not take if you have a kidney disease." They say the benefits outweigh the side effects. It is all so scary.
About two weeks ago Dad fell in the yard. He uses a cane but he is in stage 3 of Parkinson's. He bruised both arms and took skin off his nose and arms. He tries to keep doing things or rather thinks he should be able to do what he used to do. He went to his primary doctor and she took him off his blood pressure medicine because now his blood pressure is too low. Dad has lost a lot of weight too and the doctor wants him to gain at least fifteen pounds. Mom said he has no appetite and will eat a couple bites of any thing she gives him.
He is going through bouts of confusion and mom doesn't know how to talk to him when this happens. She argues with him. She had a hard time getting him dressed to go to the doctor thursday morning. He didn't want to wear the shirt she gave him to wear. He said it was too big. She told him he wore it last week when he went for his blood work. He said he didn't. She got another one for him and he didn't want that one either. She said she took five shirts out of the closet. He told her that he wanted the shirts he had bought not the ones she had bought him, that he didn't like any of them. Mom has never picked out or bought any clothes or shoes for dad. He has always done his own shopping. When he makes remarks about things that has never happened mom gets upset. We all get upset but mom most of all.
I received a raise at work and was ecstatic. I went home and figured it up. I rechecked my math, anger and confusion quickly followed. I get a whopping five dollars more a month. After taxes I won't even know I got a raise. It reminds me of a slap in the face. I am constantly praying to God to forgive me for my harsh thoughts and thanking Him for taking care of me. I couldn't do it on own.
Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ, Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father: To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Galatians 1:3-5
I am sorry about all your problems! You are correct, God will take care of you.
I am So sorry for all your problems. May God have mercy and carry you through.Emily's sister, auntie bird.
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