I was trying to move some stuff around on my blogspot and goofed. I can't figure out how to fix the mistake. Before I start all over again my son is going to go over the template and see if he can correct my goof.
The flowering shrubs in our area are in full bloom. I call them "blooming hedges"; they have a sickening sweet smell that makes me nauseated. Maybe one shrub in your yard would be nice. But they are abundant here and the smell is over powering. This year the scent entered every crack in the house and is clinging to our clothes. I feel as if I am barely holding on to my sanity. I have to hold my breath off and on when I go outside. I have been rubbing mentholatum salve under my nose to help me get a breath of air without the scent.
The blooming hedges have kicked my allergies into overdrive. I feel tired and weepy all the time now. You may wonder why we are surrounded by these hedges. I wonder too. There have been attempts made to get rid of them. But it takes a good soldier to fight this battle. You have to stay with it for several years to get rid of the root system. We chopped the shrubs down and sprayed with weed and brush killer. Each time the shrubs came back tripled in numbers. They basically grow wild here and the house has woods on four sides of it.
Imagine you have been living in the same place over twenty years. Imagine the surrounding woods replenishing the blooming hedges every spring. Imagine the old hedges from twenty years ago reaching past the roof top. Imagine taking a deep breath and filling your lungs with the cloying scent of old perfume that has been sitting in the bottle over twenty years mixed with decomposing vegetation.
The smell coats the inside of my nostrils and throat. And when I automatically gulp to try and get some oxygen, the smell lands in my stomach and my stomach rebels. This year I am having the hardest time I have had since we lived here. I don't know if it is because there is many more hedges than ever or if my body has changed in some way and the smell affects me worse. All I know is I try to stay in as much as possible, but the scent has invaded my home too. It amazes me the things I have to continually learn to live with.
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