He Is Faithful That Promised

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) Hebrew 10:23

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Spring colors

The azalea is in full bloom. I don't know why my plants aren't coordinated. The yard would have been something to see if everything had bloomed at the same time. My smaller or younger azaleas bloomed around the first of March. The one in the picture we planted when we first moved here. Also it is on the side of the house that gets minimum sun light. I guess I solved the mystery of the late bloomer.

I finally got around to hand washing my car. I had been rinsing the pollen off but the car looked splotchy with spots of old dust and pollen. The guys in the house have been washing theirs but for some reason won't keep mine washed for me. You would think they would be glad to after all I do for them.

I noticed the catepillars are in the trees already.
This is the hardest time of the year for me. I will be glad when summer finally gets here. Then we will be back to only frogs and lizards. That means less for me to watch out for when I am outside. But I am hardly outside at all until the creepie crawlies are gone. I feel better when the yard is kept mowed and I can see what is crawling on the ground.

At times like this I start wishing for my knight in shining armor. For that special someone who knows what I need for happiness and comfort and who will go beyond the limits to make sure that I have everything that insures my completeness. Woe is me.


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