He Is Faithful That Promised

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) Hebrew 10:23

Friday, September 24, 2004


I have had hula hooping on the brain for a couple of weeks now. One evening the thought entered my mind and it is still hanging on.
I want to try and see if I can still hula hoop.

This morning I thought about jingle-jumping. Anyone remember the jingle-jump? You strapped it on one foot and skipped and swung the connected rope and ball and jumped over it with the other foot. There was a bell that jingled the whole time. I used do that for hours when I was a child. It was more fun than jumping rope.

I don't know why but I continue to think about the things I did when I was young. I feel young in my mind but this body definitely isn't going to co-operate. But I think I can keep a hula hoop going. HaHaHa

"I am the way so just follow Me, though the way be rough and you cannot see

I am the Truth which all men seek, so heed not "false prophets" nor the words that they speak

I am the Life and I hold the key, that opens the door to Eternity

And in this dark world I am the light, To the Promised Land where there is no night!"
Helen Steiner Rice


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