He Is Faithful That Promised

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) Hebrew 10:23

Monday, September 13, 2004

Too Much, Too Soon

I have been resting up again. I decided to do some sweeping and mopping and scrubbing bathtubs and toilets. And I did three loads of clothes. As I was folding the last load, I noticed a burning pain around the area in my neck where the tumor was removed. Certain ways I moved my left arm would bring the discomfort back. I guess I over did it with all this energy I have been having and no other way to use it up. I have noticed the burning pain several other times. If I don't use my arms I am okay.

I told K. about it and he told me the surgeon said I had to take it easy for ninety days. I told him it has only been thirtyseven days. At first he didn't make the connection. I guess he was thinking a month has passed; you can go back to active duty. I reminded him "ninety days - three months" and he says, "I guess I'm going to have to start helping out again." As soon as the incision healed I started back doing housework because no one else was doing it. But I am back on the couch.

The surgeon had instructed me with "bed rest, allowed up for bathroom" for two weeks. I failed to follow those instructions. I was up the second day I came home. I didn't do much; but it was more than I was suppose to do.

I will stop the scrubbing and mopping. The thought of moving some furniture around had entered my mind this morning. I squashed the thought quickly. I will have to start squashing more thoughts.


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