As I was going to the mailbox this morning; I had a heart fluttering fright. A dark shadow flowed across me and a rush of wind fluffed my hair. I let escape a scream and bent towards the ground. After a few seconds, I uncovered my head and opened my eyes. I saw a broad wing span and a round body flying away from me. When it curved towards the woods behind the house, I saw that it was an owl. I calmed down and enjoyed the sight. A few years ago, one would perch in an oak tree across the road at night. Its eyes were so big and bright that every time we walked past our living room window, you could see them glowing. A few times at night one has perched on the electrical wires in front of the house.
I found this web site that has the recorded sounds of the barred owl. I have always called them a hoot owl. That is the only name I've ever heard. When the owls start calling during the day; they have an unsettling but beautiful sound. The recorded sounds are good but they don't have the depth or dimension of what I hear in my own back yard.
I mailed in the first payment for the car. This new bill I have asked K to take on is bothering me. I just knew I would be able to cover the car note with my bread money. The past two years I averaged $200 a month. Last month I made $88 dollars. So far this month I have only made $55 dollars. I should have made at least a hundred by the middle of the month. It seems that since I signed the papers for the car, my business has dropped and I am worried. Today I baked 20 loaves and that should catch me up. I am going to keep track of how quickly they sell or don't sell and come up with a new strategy to pick my sells back up.
I am looking for new candy recipes that are inexpensive and that I can make a big profit on after expenses. Another lady has cornered the market on fudge and pralines so I need a new idea. I am hoping that selling candy will help make extra money to help with the increased auto insurance and car payment until I get to feeling normal again.
I wish you the best of luck Mrs. P. I hope your bread and whatever else you makes sells, so you can keep those car payments up to date, and not have to worry about them.
Thank you Grannybird; I wish you the same with your house repairs.
Thank you!
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