He Is Faithful That Promised

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) Hebrew 10:23

Monday, May 23, 2005

A lot of things have been going through my mind and I haven't been able to put them into words. Probably still can't but I thought I would try.

The lab called and told me the results of my blood work. I had an abnormal glucose level and tomorrow I have an appointment with a dietitian to learn the new way I will have to be eating.

This morning we went for K's biopsy but the surgeon decided against doing one. He sent K to the lab for blood work saying that would tell him everything he needed to know. He also scheduled K for a colonoscopy on June 7th. We are still in the wait and see period. I would like the doctors to do things faster but they don't seem to be in a very big hurry.

K still isn't talking about it. But I am of the type that would like for us to start doing what we can by reading all the info we can find and changing eating habits for both of us and talking about what we will do if he has to miss a lot of work because he doesn't get sick pay where he works.

I want to be with him all the time. I call him several times a day just to hear his voice and to tell him I love him. When he is home I don't want him out of my sight. I want to be right by his side. I can't seem to get close enough; I want to at least be able to reach and touch him. If I could take this from him and into myself I would.


At 7:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

GB's hubby bird had cancer, and so she understands your situation. Unfortunately, her HB died because it was too far advanced when it was discovered, but that does not mean if they caught it in time K will not be okay. With proper treatment K will recover. GB has had cancer 5 times, and she is still here.


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