I have spotted three garter snakes in the yard. They are harmless but have the power to make me holler. I have seen a small, medium, and large one so I know I have three. I have always heard that snakes are more scare of us than we are of them. That is not the case with me. Snakes come towards me; they do not crawl away from me. That is what these have been doing; coming to meet me when I venture outside.
K went outside with me yesterday and today to see my yard mates. Sure enough here they come; he couldn't believe it. They do not leave when you holler, stomp your foot, or walk towards them. A few years ago I had a little brown colored snake that made be uncomfortable to say the least. Everyday when I left for work this little snake would crawl beside my feet and follow me to the car. When I would come home from work I would see it come from under the house and it crawled beside me to the front steps. No one believed me. This went on for a couple of weeks. One day I came home from work and K was home. I hollered until he came to the door and I told him to come and see the snake. The snake was just laying at my feet. I was telling K here is the snake ya'll didn't think was real but now you can see it with your own eyes. Before I realized what K was going to do, he stomped the little snake and killed it.
I don't want to exterminate the garter snakes but I would like to have my yard to myself. If they would just go to their homes while I am outside I wouldn't mind sharing my space with them. I don't like them following me around.
I remember reading that snakes cannot hear. Those "snake charmers" who play music for the snakes tap their feet so the snake can feel the vibrations. If that's true, maybe your snakes know you by your walk! They can't be scared of your hollering if they don't hear it!
Hmm. Looks like what I wrote is mostly true. See the Discovery Channel's The truth behind snake charming.
I hate snakes! I am very afraid of them. I hope they go away.
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