Hurricane Dennis missed us as did tropical storm Cindy. With Cindy we did get some rain but Dennis only gave us some strong cool breezes. All the people and their families that are in the pathway of Dennis have been in my prayers. I will be glad when the hurricane season is over.
K is still loosing weight. At times I think he is giving it to me. I haven't been loosing any. It is all so frustrating. His spirit is still good though. That helps me to cope much better. If he was feeling down like he was in May, I don't know what I would do.
His left leg has been hurting him a lot. The leg had bothered him before but he said it hurts all the time now. I know that prostate cancer causes bone pain and I know that one of the side effects of the hormone therapy for prostate cancer is that it pulls calcium from your bones. K has never been a man that wants to take care of himself. I told him he needs to be taking calcium supplements but it is like talking to a wall.
After reading your comment, GrannysDaughter, I sat outside and watched all the cardinals in the yard. I did indeed notice some younger birds. I was away from home quite a bit last week and I guess I missed the flying lessons. The young birds are still easily spooked and every time someone drove past the house, they fluttered away into the bushes beside the yard. They are a pleasure to watch.
If anyone knows why I have a big blank space in my posts please explain it to me. I would really appreciate it.
Mrs. P, the Birdies 100 birds asked me to take a look at your blog problems. Blogger began recently to automatically insert this code:
div style="clear:both;"
before every post. This messed up the layout of some blogs, including yours.
Blogger added an option to suppress that markup. You can try their fix and see if that helps. It is described here.
Or, you might want to create a new template for your blog. Blogger has added quite a few since B100 began. Of course, you would have to reapply the changes you have made to the side bar and the bottom. But this would be a small price to pay for having a more up-to-date template. The current templates include lots of comments in the code that make finding and changing code much easier.
In the future, if you notice a sudden problem appear in your blog, check the Blogger Status page. They sometimes are slow to write up a problem, but they eventually 'fess up to mistakes made and let you know when they expect to have fixes.
Thank you, thank you, thank you Mac
You are welcome. Nice work applying the fix, Mrs. P!
Still, when you have the time and inclination, you might choose a new template. The one you are using has multiple errors in it. These errors are not preventing things from displaying correctly, but are a time bomb of sorts waiting to cause havoc whenever blogger makes a change.
I could not find a simple fix for the errors (such as unpaired tags), or I would have sent it to you. The errors are complex. I'm surprised you blog works as well as it does!
Well, I'm off to fix other things. Bye!
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