Was well enough to go to the doctor today to get all my test results, must have been a twentyfour hour virus. I thought I would see what my triglyceride level would be but she had not even marked it on the lab work paper for this time. I don't understand why we have so many inept doctors for charity care. She did not even have the test result from my lab work from my last appointment in my file and of course couldn't remember telling me my triglycerides were high.
My colon test and mammogram was negative but my glucose level,116, was considered high since I hadn't eaten since ten the night before and I didn't have the blood work till 9:30 the next morning. The doctor wants be to stop eating starchy foods along with not eating sugary foods. I can't get these people to believe I count carbs already. They look at my size and believe I am eating too much of the wrong foods.
K is enjoying the hunting trip even though he can not hunt because it is bow season for deer hunters and he doesn't have the strength to pull a compound bow. The doctor filled out the application for K to get a permit to use a cross bow but he didn't get the permit in time for this hunt. He called and told me that he can watch the big bucks feeding while he sits on the porch where he is staying. His cousins are going to pay for another hunt for the week of October 30th. They are hunting at Giles Island in Mississippi. K has never been on a guided hunt. He is blessed to have cousins that love him enough to know how special this is for him. This is truly a dream come true for my husband.
I am glad for K.
For heaven's sake. It looks like you are going to have to be your own doctor -- or at least your own medical assistant.
Ask the receptionists or assistants to give you copies of all test results. You might ask, too, if you can have a copy of your entire file. (Tell them you "may" travel to see your son/cousin/aunt and want to have the data with you for emergency purposes.)
Make copies of everything and bring a (DATED) copy to each appointment. Write down what they say and add it to your document for next time. Write down all your medications including the ones that you are SUPPOSED to take, but aren't because you can't afford them.
Nobody is looking at your problem as a whole case. Your weight is probably from thyroid problems plus perimenopause plus depression, not carbs. Did they give you insulin for your high sugar?
I recommend (and I'm no expert) you take charge of this and assume that every doctor you see knows NOTHING about your case, even if they've seen you before and SHOULD know.
I've got health insurance and still feel like I can't get anybody to listen for more than 2 minutes and see the whole me, not just one symptom. It is very frustrating.
Best of luck, Mrs. P. We birds continue to pray for you and K.
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