My dad is having heart trouble. We don't know exactly what the problem is yet. He has to go for all the tests. His primary care taker made the statement that he doesn't want my dad to drive any more. The doctor even told dad not to cut the grass any more. Now comes the hard part and the tough love. Who is going to enforce all this? Who is going to take daddy's truck and mower away from him?
My dad has Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. He has high blood pressure, too. Like a lot of people, he doesn't do everything the doctors tell him to do to take better care of himself. Fifteen years ago they told him to go on a salt free diet. He refused and didn't even cut back. Last year they told him it was of grave importance that he take the salt out of his diet. He refused again. Mom has done everything she can to cut back on the salt. But dad still buys salt and sprinkles it on his food. And he won't give up his soft drinks. You don't want to go to war with someone every day of your life, no matter how much you love them.
But how can we get him to listen? Mom says if we take away the only things he has left in life, he will grieve himself to an early grave. But if we don't take them away it will put him in the grave. I say if we let him keep driving he might end up responsible for someone else's death too.
I am a middle child and I have never had much say in the goings on of our family. My mom wants to leave things as they are. I have only talked with my oldest sister and she doesn't seem to think any action should be taken either. I knew years ago that my daddy was having trouble driving. I was the only child that was willing to ride with him when he drove. My mom was always wanting the opportunity to be at home alone. Dad didn't have a lot of hobbies to occupy hisself when he retired and was always at home. She would ask me to go places with dad when I was off of work so she could have some free time. We all agreed that he shouldn't be off by hisself but no one else would ride with him. Lots of the time mom won't go with him and I told her he gets confused and shouldn't be on his own. She is as stubborn as him or she just hasn't accepted his condition. Last year I started driving for him when he had to go downtown where there is a lot of traffic. He still drives when he just goes a few miles from the house.
I am so messed up with my own life that I don't feel able to give advise to anyone else.
If he is a danger on the road, you are morally obligated to do something about it. You could call his local sheriff and explain the situation. Perhaps the cops could watch for him and then ticket him so he loses his license. Or call his doctor and ask the doc to report your Dad to the DMV. If that seems harsh, think how you'll all feel if he kills someone!
Here's some advice that may be more helpful than mine:
When to Stop DrivingWhen is Too Old to Drive?
Driver Dementia a Growing Concern
Hanging up the car keysTalking to Older Parents about IndependenceGood luck, Mrs. P. I know this is very hard for you. I don't look forward to taking Granny's monster SUV away from her a few years down the road! (Just kidding, Mom!)
It's your mom's problem, not yours! Let her take care of it, and you take care of yourself! Really, you have no control anyway, it's up to your mother and father. They will probably get mad at you, if you try to interfere.
Great sites, they helped alot. You see, my mom, doesn't want to make any decisions, she leaves that to us. She has a fear of making a wrong decision and feeling responsible so she never gives a definite answer to anything. Most of the time she won't even give an opinion.
It's not really fair of your family to do nothing and leave it to you by default. But, I bet deep down they know you'll take care of things for them. I will pray that God gives you the wisdom to make a good decision and the courage and strength to follow through.
Mrs. P -- GrannysGrandDaughter and I could use your prayers right now! Pray for healing for us, please. Thank you!
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