He Is Faithful That Promised

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) Hebrew 10:23

Sunday, January 23, 2005

I found this information in a magazine article I was reading-

How many calories are burned walking one mile?

This will vary depending on the individual, speed walked, terrain, etc. An average is 100 calories per mile.

I am counting calories to make sure I have 600 calories a day. I walk an hour a day and that is suppose to average four miles with my pedometer. If this is true; I should look like a zipper when I turn sideways and stick out my tongue. But it ain't happening. hahaha I know, I know, the article says it depends on certain things. I just thought it was interesting.

I have my first poison ivy rash. I was surprised that it didn't show up Thursday when I was working in the yard. It shows up after two days and after two baths. I know that is poison ivy because one of my sons always had bouts of it. But I never had to worry about it; until now.

Fat, sassy, robins have been sunning their feathered bodies in the yard. They are suppose to be a sign of warm weather. Why are they hanging around when the wind chill is twenty degrees? I hope they will be tweeting about warm weather real soon.

Back to kitchen for me, the oven timer is beeping.


At 6:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs. P,600 calories is not enough for a day. You should be eating l,000 or 1,200 to lose weight, depending on your size.

At 9:42 AM, Blogger Granny's Daughter said...

I've read that you need about 1 calorie per minute to maintain weight. 60 minutes/hour x 24 hours/day = 1440 minutes/day. So, eating a little less, say 1200, should mean slow, safe weight loss. Alas, thyroid problems throw all calculations out to the wind...

At 9:47 AM, Blogger Granny's Daughter said...

I saw a robin here this morning. They CAN'T be a harbinger of spring -- it was only 9 degrees here! Brrr! Or maybe they came back early because we had some days in the 60s a couple of weeks ago. Fooled them, didn't we? I should look up what they like to eat and put out some food. They won't find a lot as we are under a blanket of snow!

As for poison ivy, mine often takes up to a week to show up. Once you wash off the invisible oils (regular soap works), it can't spread. But I never notice the plants and don't wash off soon enough to ward off attacks. Try an over the counter cortisone cream for the itch. I know how awful that can be!


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