The past three days have been beautiful. The trees are actually budding. My purple magnolia tree is full of blooms. I have one azalea in bloom. The other plants have buds but aren't ready to open. Spring has sprung in my little corner of the states! I have been enjoying being outdoors. My grandmother has always said that if it thunders in February there will be frost in April. We have had several thunderstorms this month so.....I guess I can expect more cold weather.
I saw the flock of birds again and was able to see that they are cedar waxwings not starlings. This is my first sighting of waxwings and I am thrilled. I borrowed K's hunting binoculars and I didn't have to get as close as I do with mine. And after more research I have identified my tiny green birds. They are goldfinch. I did not know that the female was green or that the males changed colors. I am learning more every day.
I have always loved watching birds but I didn't bother to identify them. And around here we have what I call "slang" names for so many plants and birds. I was raised up being told that a cardinal was a redbird and a bluejay was a bluebird. Imagine my amazement when I found out that there are actually redbirds and bluebirds.
I had to unravel the rows of crochet that I had completed on the afghan. I will be putting up the lacy chevron pattern and going back to the ripple pattern that I know how to do. I thought I had figured out the directions for the chevron but the ends of the rows weren't coming out even and the sides were beginning to resemble a curvey road. Going by the directions and picture of the afghan, no curves are necessary.
Most Grannies, like Grannybird, are very wise! So no doubt your Granny was correct, in her weather prediction info.
I've unraveled many a crochet project, Mrs. P. It hurts to frog (rip-it, rip-it), but sometimes it is for the best. What's funny is that I may come back to a pattern a year later and wonder why I thought it was so hard! Perhaps some deep part of the brain is still puzzling over and figuring out the directions while I'm doing other things.
For bird identification, the Birdies 100 birds recommend The Sibley Guide to Birds by David Allen Sibley.
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