He Is Faithful That Promised

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) Hebrew 10:23

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

This cloudy dreary weather is still hanging over us. I crave sunshine; I need blue skies. Punxsutawney Phil predicts six more weeks of winter; but I was happy to see that other ground hogs disagreed with him, and also a few more weather predicting animal friends.

K decided to stay up and watch Charles Bronson in two of his Death Wish movies. I decided to stay up with him so we didn't go to bed till one o'clock this morning. He was up and gone by eight this morning. I stayed in bed till 9:30; then moved from the bed to couch. I was still in my sleeping clothes at noon; I am almost lifeless. With out sun rays I am a ho-hum person.

I tried to start on the afghan from year before last but I still couldn't understand the directions. I need a crochet pattern with the simple single, double, or triple stitches. Something that will come automatically with out me having to think or concentrate. My mind still doesn't do that very well.

I have been going through my collection of pattern books. It is like looking at a photo album; each book takes me back to yesteryears. Some of the books my granny gave me and I remember sitting and watching her hands crochet and listening to her talk and laugh. I look through the books and see pictures of the afghans I have crocheted. I know, I am weird, I am a sentimental old fool.


Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fullfilling of the law. And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.
Romans 13:10-12


At 6:07 PM, Blogger Granny Bird said...

I hope you have lots of sunshine tomorrow.

At 7:23 PM, Blogger Granny's Daughter said...

Ah, Mrs. P, if you were a member of the Crochet Partners mailing list (free!), you would see you are not weird. Or, if you are, you have plenty of company! I have read of CPers hiding yarn in the car trunk till they can sneak it inside (under the bed) later; petting yarn at the fancy yarn shops; dreaming of crochet; crocheting their daughter's hair or their plate of spaghetti; spending afternoons just looking at patterns; blowing a whole cartridge of ink printing out free patterns found on-line; collecting hooks; and more!

At 7:23 PM, Blogger Granny's Daughter said...

Punxsutawney Phil was right -- it is snowing here!


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