He Is Faithful That Promised

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) Hebrew 10:23

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

In the woods surrounding our yard are flowering hedges that grow wild. They are called privets. When they are in bloom it is hard to stay outside because the scent is smothering. Really the smell is so strong it gets into the house. But the hedges produce berries that the birds love. Sunday the hedges were alive with a flock of birds. They would fly in and eat and fly back to the trees. Back and forth they went, gobbling berries and then retreating to the trees. I couldn't get in a position to use my binoculars because the birds spooked easily. The best I could tell, they were starlings. I guess they were passing through because I haven't seen them again.

I had a real pleasure watching three wood ducks paddling in the drainage ditch in front of the house. During the night there was an inch and half of rain and the ditch was full. They would paddle in one direction and turn and go in the other. Every now and then they would rest on the road, preening their weathers. They were adorable.

I would love to have a camera with one of those lenses that takes good pictures from a distance. You know, like you were looking through binoculars. Then I could post the pictures for all to see.

I have started my new afghan. It is in the Lacy Chevron crochet pattern. I decided on Red Heart Aspen Print Multicolor and the four coordinating colors but I am going to add Windsor Blue as my main color hoping the colors will go with my living room. I wanted bright colors but I didn't want the afghan to stick out like a sore thumb. K is fussy about colors matching according to his way of seeing colors. I have never tried the lacy chevron but it is similar to the ripple pattern and I haven't had to unravel too many rows.

Today, I have been washing the vinyl siding on the house. I couldn't stand to see the mildew any longer. I knew if I didn't do it, it wouldn't get done; because it has went too long already. I have most of it finished. I was doing it a little at a time because I still tire easily. I definitely enjoyed the sunshine today. And the house looks a whole lot better.


At 6:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you, Mrs. P!

At 7:28 AM, Blogger Quilty bird said...

Isn't it wonderful to see wildlife up close! I throw out a handful of peanuts every morning and watch the squirrels marching back and forth, collecting their breakfast. Some they eat, and many they bury in the yard. In the fall, when we pulled the dead plants from the flower pots on the deck, we found about a dozen peanuts mixed in with the potting soil. Too cute! Naturally, QB also feed her feathered friends and watches them as they come and go.

Don't overdo it on the cleaning. Remember, you don't want to crash and burn. Hope the flylady is helping you.

At 6:38 AM, Blogger Granny Bird said...

I remember taking Nana Bird to Herrschner's many times, in the days when we all were NY birds, and NB was still making afghans. Shoppy Bird went there for her a good many times also. The color you chose looks very nice. It should make a lovely afghan.

At 1:56 PM, Blogger Granny's Daughter said...

GB, are you sure about that? Herrschners is located in Stevens Point, WI. Perhaps Nana Bird ordered from them by mail? Maybe you're thinking of some other NY craft store that begins with an H?

At 3:47 PM, Blogger Granny Bird said...

Oops, I had it mixed up with Hannan's which also sold all kind of wool and handicraft stuff. at the Roosevelt Field Mall.


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