He Is Faithful That Promised

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) Hebrew 10:23

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Thanks for everyone's concern. I was at a loss as to what happened to
my blog. I searched through the help section to see what I could find.
I decided to try republishing the entire blog, and surprise, it worked.

Things are in a turmoil. This time it is K and not me. He
has been having pain in his rib cage. Last month it was his left side;
but a friend gave him some samples of anti-inflamatory pills and he kept
going and it went away. Last week it started in his right side and I
"nagged" him until he decided to go to the charity hospital.

Monday we went and sat in the waiting room for eight hours before they
called him to ER. K kept wanting to walk out but each time I convinced him
to stay. I told him I had sat too long for us to up and leave. When
we finally made it to the ER, the nurse put us in a curtained off
cubicle and we stayed there thirty minutes before the doctor examined
K. He sent K to the lab for a chest xray.

The doctor showed us the xrays and pointed out a mass that could be seen on right side. My heart and stomach collided. K was sent for a ct scan to get a clearer picture. We sat in suspense for another hour. The scan had to be sent to another radiology lab because the one at charity was closed. We sat and held hands and waited. K didn't say anything.

After we had been sitting at the hospital for twelve hours, the doctor came and told us what the ct scan had shown. The mass was just scar tissue from a factured rib, thank God. But the upper part of K's abdomen was on the scan. The radiologist found several enlarged lymph nodes. The doctor referred K for a complete ct scan of his abdomen and pelvis. The appointment is May 18th.

The waiting is very difficult for me. For both of us. Please put us on ya'll's prayer list.


At 6:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God be with you and K Mrs. P.

At 3:31 PM, Blogger Granny Bird said...

Prayers will be with you.

At 8:08 PM, Blogger Granny's Daughter said...

I can't believe they are making him wait until mid-May when he is in pain now!

I will pray for K and you, but don't you be neglecting yourself between now and May 18. K needs you to be healthy, so you eat right, exercise, and get your rest.

God bless you both.


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