We had to make some more changes to our budget. We still haven't heard about K's disability claim. When and if he starts drawing we will be all right if he gets the amount we are assuming he will get paid.
Any way our cable provider sent a letter stating they were increasing our bill by twentysix dollars. So, I called and dropped the internet and changed our cable package. I would drop it too but K gets so much pleasure from the outdoor network channel that I will try to keep that for him a little bit longer. Right now I am using a network that is free for a limited amount of hours. It is hard to sign on to I guess because others are using it too and there are only a few phone numbers to sign on with. But I will count it as a blessing that it is here for me.
I did lose all my photos that I had stored and a bunch of other stuff. I will have to get help restoring all the things I lost. I use the computer but I am not that knowledgeable on computing files and other computer stuff.
Happy Fourth to all!!!!!! I wish I still had my animation, one of my favorite html thingies. You would see some firework animation right here!
Oh, Mrs. P, too bad you didn't mention earlier that you were losing your photo space. Mac could have helped you with moving them to a free place. Flickr and Blogger give you some free photo storage.
I hope you hear about disability soon. If you don't, get your elected officials working for you.
Yes, call your Congressman!
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