He Is Faithful That Promised

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) Hebrew 10:23

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Changes are happening at a fast pace. Thursday, K couldn't have the surgery; his oxygen level was too low and he was wheezing. The other option was an epidural but the surgeon decided against it because of the turmors on K's spine. The team of surgeons decided that the little benefit K might would get by removing his testicles was not worth the risk of doing the surgery. K was all ready depressed because he can't walk, so being sent home from the hospital and told to enjoy what time he had left sent him in a tail spin.

Friday morning we were surprised by a call from the cancer treatment center. They asked if we could come at 3:30 so the oncologist could examine K. Of course we said yes. Friday evening K had emergency radiation treatments on his spine and has started taking steriods. The doctor said the steroids will help two things; they will help K's spine and lungs. The oncologist told us that if K had waited until november for an MRI and a refferal to the cancer treatment center from the oncologist at the charity hospital he would have had permanent damage to his spine. He said he knew what was wrong without the MRI. With the emergency radiation yesterday and this morning and the fifteen more treatments he is scheduled to have, K does have a chance to walk again. The doctor gave him hope but did say that some of the nerves in the spine may not be repairable. Our friend was again able to help us get good medical care. I so want to find a special keepsake gift to give to him to show how much he means to us and to say thank you for all he has done.

Tomorrow some friends are coming over to start building a wheel chair ramp. We have had a real struggle getting K down the steps to the yard. We know he soon should be walking again; but we also know that eventually he will be in the wheel chair again. We are getting prepared while the help is being offerred and also the lumber is being given to us; it is a double blessing.


At 5:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad K is getting some help. The friend you want to get a special gift for will feel bad if you spend money on him, knowing you are in a financial bind. Why don't you bake him a treat, or make him a special dish that you know he enjoys eating. It will cost less, but I bet it would be appreciated.

At 11:42 AM, Blogger Granny's Daughter said...

Or crochet something for him. Maybe a thread angel or a bookmark.


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