Back to work tomorrow. When will I be able to live without having to work 40 hours a week again? I would love for that to happen in the near future. Probably, everyone wishes for that every monday.
I didn't do much except crochet this weekend. But that still made it a pleasurable time off. On monday, the ladies at work start comparing their weekends; determining who did the most and of course, who spent the most. When, I tell them I stayed at home, they appear shocked. They can't accept that I can find enjoyment in my own house without spending money. Even as a child I could always find something to do without leaving home.
Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God: Which made heaven, and earth, the sea, and all that therein is: which keepeth truth for ever....The Lord preserveth the strangers; he relieveth the fatherless and widow: but the way of the wicked he turneth upside down.
Psalm 146:5-6,9
For one thing you don't have to "report" or be accountable to those you work with about how you spent your time.
I know you probably mean it is just "making conversation", but sometimes we get caught up in feeling like we have to justify ourselves.
You know, the biggest gift you can give others isn't information about yourself, but a listening caring ear and taking interest in them. Sometimes it is good just to switch the conversation if you feel put in a position of feeling examined.
Go easy on yourself, you are grieving. Grief has no time limit, it is a process. It can come and go. The 8 stages of grief aren't necessarily accomplished in order, but you can go in and out of them.
Ah, Mrs. P, I spend many a weekend at home, not spending money.
I'm very interested in your crochet. What have you been working on?
For a while, I was on a kick making scrunchies. They're red, white, and blue thread. It takes 2-3 hours, as you're basically crocheting 3 scrunchies in one: around several times in red, repeat in white, repeat in blue. (From this leaflet.) I was thinking of making one for every girl on my daughter's sports team. But I got tired after about a half dozen.
Haven't crocheted recently, but scrunchies are a good project for sitting by the pool (not our own) while the kids swim.
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