He Is Faithful That Promised

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) Hebrew 10:23

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Wow, 2008 is here. Christmas came and went along with my birthday. It has been a peaceful holiday season. It was even peaceful at work. Last week I only had two children each day. We were able to do so much together. It was like having a vacation at work.

My son and daughterinlaw, who live in Kentucky, made a trip home in time for my birthday. It was wonderful being together again. If only I could have had K ....

I haven't made any new year resolutions. I have never been able to keep them. I am just going to be the best I can be all year.

The cold weather has finally made it to my part of the world. I told myself I wasn't going to complain because other people have been having colder weather. But I'm grumbling about my cold toes, fingers and nose at the same time that I'm counting my blessings.

I have caught myself doing something that I once told myself that I wouldn't ever do. I try to save money by keeping the central heat turned so low that I am cold all the time. I have to constantly remind myself that it will cost me more if I get sick.


At 10:30 PM, Blogger Kyle said...

We had fun at dinner too, despite the service. Hopefully it won't be a year between visits next time.

At 5:36 AM, Blogger Granny Bird said...

Don't skimp on the heat! You are correct, getting sick will cost you more.


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