He Is Faithful That Promised

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) Hebrew 10:23

Friday, October 19, 2007

I have been sick with a viral infection again. So far it hasn't settled in my lungs; it is still in my sinuses. I have coughed so much that I am worn out. I was taking Robitussin for two weeks, waiting for my appointment at the charity clinic. The doctor gave me a prescription for cough medicine but not an antibiotic. She said that I am already getting better and I didn't need an antibiotic. I do agree with her that I did feel an improvement. I would just like to not get a viral infection every three months. I have been coming home from work, eating and bathing and crawling into bed. Oh, yes, my boss still expects me to work, even sick.

I had hoped to get my flu shot but the clinic had not received their shipment.

I also have a boil on my elbow that is finally healing. I was beginning to worry that it was something else because it wasn't going through the normal stages. Last week it started draining after I kept my arm on a heating pad for two days. But the skin peeled off my elbow. The mistake I made was using heat non-stop. I forgot to give my skin a break from the heat; I was more concerned with getting the boil to drain. So far everything looks good.

A variety of illnesses are going around the daycare. Hand, foot, and mouth disease, viruses, common cold, bronchitis, tonsillitis. Plus, we had another round of head lice. Ugh!!!!

I did a little research and I have started taking zinc. It is suppose to help build up your immune system. Also I am buying milk that has probiotic added. Yogurt is available with added probiotic but I figured I would probably drink the milk quicker than I would eat the yogurt. In the past I have bought yogurt and had to throw it away because I kept it too long past the expiration date. I am hoping these two items will help keep me well.

I finished my afghan. No more ripping out stitches! It all suddenly came together like I had imagined it. Now on to another project.

I am searching for an inexpensive christmas gift for my fourteen children; possibly a craft project. Also something for my co-workers. I made fudge last year and gave to them. I would like to do an individual gift for them this year. Even if I make candy again, I would like to give it separately, maybe find a nice container for each person to put the candy into.

Oh yeah, I did get another raise. After taxes I bring home about twenty more dollars a month; every little bit helps.


At 4:38 AM, Blogger Granny Bird said...

I am sorry you have been so ill, I will pray for you.

At 8:42 AM, Blogger Granny's Daughter said...

Oh, I know how it can be working with children! You catch everything!

One of my friends had a bad cold and was starting in with a cough. She has to hit a cough hard, as she has asthma. She was out of town and couldn't get cough medicine from her doctor. But one of her friends who also caught that cold recommended Mucinex. She said that the Mucinex DM kept the cough at bay.

I now have a box of it at the ready. I never want another cough like I had last year! You might give it a try. The generic versions are pretty affordable. I'll let you know if it works for me. It's just a matter of time before one of the kids I teach coughs in my face. Sigh.


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