I have been having problems connecting to blogger. I don't know if it is my browser. But there are a lot of web pages I have not been able to view. Thursday night I lost my post; the blogger monster ate it. Last night I kept getting the "page not found" message.
Thursday's visit to the psychologist was spent going over a list of negative thoughts that can lead to depression. So far she has not told me anything that I didn't already know. My homework this week is to go to the movies by myself. I don't know how this is suppose to help me. I have been to the movies alone many times and it does not give me a big thrill. She seems to think it will make me feel special. I don't think so!
Monday morning I have an appointment at the endocrine clinic. I am praying for good news.
I have a question that I have not been able to answer. When they took blood this time, I noticed that it wasn't the same color as all the other times. The last times it was dark red; this time my blood was brown colored. Does anyone have an answer?
Going to the movies alone must be from a textbook. I was told that once, too. Don't know how that was supposed to solve any problems! I think you should continue on last week's "homework" and have fun!
Blogger has been broken lately. Sometimes you can't even get to Blogger Status to see what's wrong and when it will be fixed.
You might try, if you can get in, going to your blogger "dashboard" and checking to see if blogger saved your Thursday post, even if it didn't say it did. Mac was able to find one Granny Bird wrote and then publish it. Worth checking!
The Birdies 100 Birds, Granny Bird, Auntie Bird, and Quilty Bird are fortunate to have Mac as their blog administrator -- he can fix most things. Too bad Mac doesn't work for Blogger; he might get it working!
The color probably has something to do with the type of tube they used to store the blood. Various tubes have different types of anti coagulating material in them.
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