He Is Faithful That Promised

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) Hebrew 10:23

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Saturdays are wonderful, because so far I don't have to go to work on the weekends. That is a blessing for me. And I can stay in bed longer. I was awakened at six by K leaving the house. I was able to fall back to sleep; the next time I opened my eyes the clock showed 8:46. I was thrilled and appalled at the same time. Once upon a time I was an early riser. For twenty some odd years I was out of bed at five every morning. I feel like I am doing something wrong when I am still in bed at seven; I feel real shameful when I am still in bed past seven in the morning.

Today the lady handling our disability claim called and said K has been approved for partial disability. They still have not reached a decision on the amount they will allow K. She gave us a list of paper work we will have to turn in to the social security office to help them determine an amount. It is good news and bad news. Good that he was approved; bad because now K feels that he is not able to work the few hours that he has been doing. I told him he needs to call the lady and see what he has to do to be approved for total disability. Maybe with his partial disability and my paycheck he won't have to work while we are waiting for total disability. When K's medicaid application is approved his medicine will be covered. The silver lining is starting to appear on those ol' dark clouds that have been hovering over me. Thank you God!

Week before last one of my children at daycare decided he had to test his skill at biting. Everytime one of the other children wanted a toy in his possession he sunk his teeth into their flesh. For some reason, the only toy four of my children want, is a toy someone else is enjoying. These four children spend four hours going from child to child taking toys away. They don't play with the toys after they snatch them. They immediately look for another child with a toy. Now that I have a biter in my group, I am doubly worn out from being on guard duty for four hours.

Three sets of parents of the toddlers have older children and are understanding when they see bruised flesh with teeth imprints on their child when they come to get him or her. The other three sets of parents are new parents and they are outraged that "I" can't prevent this from happening. But they also don't understand how their little darling can possibly get any kind of injury while at daycare. I have one mother that checks her daughter from head to toe before she leaves my room with her little darling and every new mark on her darling's skin has to be explained. Lots of the time I have to tell her I have no idea how it happened because I didn't see it happen. Yesterday, "lil' Cujo" didn't feel the need to terrorize anyone. To be prepared, I stayed one step behind him the whole time and if I had to take my eyes off him, I put him in a high chair. I have been telling him and the other five, because I sure don't want them to pick up the habit, that the mouth is for eating, not hurting. I hope they absorb this information quickly.


.........and their soul shall be as a watered garden; and they shall not sorrow any more at all.
Jeremiah 31:12


At 7:45 PM, Blogger Granny's Daughter said...

It's too bad your center doesn't have stricter rules. My daughter attended a pre-school where the rule was that biters were taken to the office and parents had to take them home. You bet the parents showed up or else their kid was expelled. The theory was that the biter would be so shocked by being removed and sent home, he would quickly reform. And of course, inconvenienced parents are highly motivated to discipline their children.

At 9:17 PM, Blogger Quilty bird said...

Sadly, my DS was an occasional biter at pre-school. He was about a year old. The teacher said he only bit "defensively" and she didn't blame him when he did. She and her helper also called him "Jaws". Luckily, that phase didn't last long.

At 4:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad that at last something good is happening. I hope full disability will be approved for K. Maybe you can get some kind of help for being his care taker when he is home, and you could quit your job also.

At 8:29 PM, Blogger Granny's Daughter said...

All the birds saw the cute e-card you sent Granny Bird for her birdday. Thanks!


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