We have spent the day at the charity clinic seeing the lung specialist. She sent K for some chest xrays to check for fluid in his lungs because of the amount of fluid in his legs and feet. His legs and feet are swollen to three times their size and fluid is leaking out through the skin. They are like a wet sponge; when you press on them liquid comes out and his pants legs and socks stay wet. He won't keep them elevated. He says he can't lay down because it causes his back to hurt. And he wants to sit in the wheelchair 24/7. The doctor prescribed lasix to see if that will help. She said it might not if K's nerve endings are too damaged. We have to wait and see.
God has lifted me up once again. His blessings never cease to amaze me. Most of the time I allow my humanness to cause me to stumble. Two weeks ago jealousy almost got the best of me. A co-worker was recently diagnosed with colon cancer and the daycare where I work decided to sponsor a fund raiser for her. When our boss told us; by immediate thought was why didn't they offer to do one for my husband. Oh, yeah, I was mad and hurt, and I was glad that my coworker was getting help. Her and her husband have insurance but I know how hard it is going to be for them. We on the other hand have no insurance and for six months we were living on $500 a month and what was given to us.
On the way home, the Comforter came to me. I was in tears and asking why. Why her and not us? God reminded me to be thankful, we were helped my many, we had our benefit and it was enough to help us get by. And K does have the charity hospital to go to and it isn't costing us anything. Then God said to bless my coworker with a hundred dollars. I naturally said, you have got to be kidding, we need that money. But He said she needs it too, I want you to bless her.
When I got home I told K about what the daycare was planning and that God put it in my heart to give a hundred dollars to my coworker. He knew who I was talking about because he had met her at the cancer treatment center a couple of times when they had treatments on the same day. He told me he thought we should bless her as others had blessed us. I did exactly that and was brought to my knees to thank God when we were blessed with five hundred dollars that was given to us a few days afterward. My God is an awesome God.
The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.
Proverbs 11:25
That was a wonderful thing to do. Where did the $500 you received come from?
Thanks for sharing that story.
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