Thank you so much for the birdday wish! It has been a wonderful, although still a little sad, day. My oldest son and his wife came over for their last visit before they fly back to Kentucky. We played another round of wii games and had a good time. I have entered the wii contest at The game is so much fun to play with but a little too expensive for me to think about getting right now. Maybe I will be a winner and get one for free.
Next week I work 28 hours. I am hoping that the second week in January will show an increase in hours of work. If not I will be job hunting. I have been offerred a job in another part of the state. I am going to ask more questions about benefits and salary before I start packing up to move.
I haven't made any new year's resolutions. This year I don't want to. I will just keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep on going and pray for guidance from my heavenly Father.
God be with you Mrs. P!
I'd like to suggest that you not make any major life decisions (such as moving) for at least 6 months to a year, unless absolutely necessary. I am glad to hear that you are feeling a bit better.
You are right Mrs P, just let the Lord direct you slowly and surely.
"He Leads Me Beside The Still Waters, He Restores My Soul".
God bless you and keep you in 2007.
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