He Is Faithful That Promised

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) Hebrew 10:23

Sunday, August 05, 2007

I got off early Friday and came home and fell asleep. I woke up confused; not knowing what day it was. It took a few minutes for me to even realize it was still day time and not night. I really didn't think I was that tired; sat down to drink a cup of hot tea, watch a little t.v. and relax but went to sleep. It was a very awful feeling.

The prescription nose spray helped clear up my sore throat after about a week of using it. Well, I guess that is what did it. I woke up one morning and my throat wasn't hurting. My eyes are still watery and I still have a slight cough but I can live with that. I was getting worried about my throat because it was beginning to feel like it was closing up. My throat actually feels normal now.

I am starting in my class room monday. It happen to work out that every one was able to get the hours they wanted. Isn't God wonderful? I am excited and scared. I will have fourteen four year olds. The law allows one worker to have eighteen four year olds; I hope the daycare keeps only fourteen in my class.

I am looking forward to my new work hours. I am going to look for some training courses to take after work to maybe do something else with my life.

My afghan pattern is not coming together like I wanted. I am going to have to unravel a good bit of yarn and rework another pattern. I haven't decided what pattern I am going to do next.


At 10:06 PM, Blogger Granny's Daughter said...

Fourteen four year olds?!?!

Holy cow! I wish you the best of luck. That's quite a handful.

Well, any time it seems overwhelming, you just start praying to yourself and ask God for patience and help.

At 4:26 AM, Blogger Granny Bird said...

Glad things are looking up for you!


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